These masters of the waters bring you the freshest seafood, harvested sustainably and with generations of expertise. These men and women tirelessly work the water year round to bring us an abundance of blue catfish and the finest oysters. We support our local watermen and are proud to work with them everyday as they embark on a seafood journey that honors the past and sustains the future.

Taste the difference, feel the pride.

Over the years, watermen and women have faced challenges such as environmental changes, regulatory pressures, and competition, yet they continue to preserve their way of life with a deep connection to the bay's waters. Their knowledge and practices are integral to the sustainability and stewardship of the Chesapeake Bay's delicate ecosystem. We encourage you to learn more by visiting the Tilghman Island Watermen’s Museum just steps away form our processing plant, as well as the Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum located in the village of St. Michaels.